Dr Florian Linkert

  • Lawyer
  • Partner
  • Specialist lawyer for insolvency and restructuring law

Berliner Freiheit 2
10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 2000334-00
Fax: +49 30 2000334-99
E-Mail: berlin@bbl-law.com

Other locations


  • English
  • German


Dr Florian Linkert is a specialist lawyer for insolvency and restructuring law and a partner at BBL. He has worked field of insolvency and restructuring for many years. Before joining BBL, he worked at various national commercial law firms in the field of insolvency administration and restructuring, most recently as a founding partner of a leading regional insolvency administrator law firm – until its merger with BBL. Dr Linkert is considered a proven specialist in restructuring by means of transferred restructuring, insolvency plans and self-administration. He has been appointed by various district courts in Germany as insolvency administrator and trustee – the main focus of his work – in more than a 1,000 insolvency proceedings. Dr Linkert has assumed the role of restructuring officer since StaRUG came into force. In addition, he advises companies in crisis situations and supports them in restructuring projects, both in and out of court.

CV (in short)

  • 2017 - Present BBL Brockdorff and predecessor companies
  • 2013 - Present Specialist lawyer for insolvency and restructuring law
  • 2009 - 2017 LB Rechtsanwaelte, founding partner, insolvency administration and restructuring advice
  • 2007 – 2009 mmf lawyers, insolvency administration
  • 2005 – 2006 EY Law Luther Menold, insolvency administration and restructuring advice
  • 2002 – 2004 Legal clerkship in Berlin, Brandenburg and San Francisco/USA
  • 2005 Admission to the Bar
  • Promotion to Dr. iur. (Doctor of Law) at the TU Dresden with Prof. Dr Wolfgang Lueke LL.M. on insolvency risks in asset-backed securities
  • Law studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich

Areas of expertise


  • Association of Insolvency Administrators in Germany
  • NIVD New Association of Insolvency Administrators in Germany e.V.
  • Berlin/Brandenburg working group for insolvency law e.V.
  • Working group on insolvency law and restructuring at the German Lawyers Association
  • Leipzig Insolvency Law Forum e.V.
  • German Lawyers Association e.V.
  • Berlin Lawyers Association e.V.

Lectures and publications on various topics of German insolvency law, most recently:

  • Schneider/Linkert/von Buchwaldt (Hrsg.), Handbuch zum neuen Sanierungsrecht, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg, 2021; Mitherausgeber und Autor des Kapitels B.VII.: „Der Restrukturierungsbeauftragte“

  • Der Insolvenzantrag kann eine Lösung sein, Unternehmeredition 2/2020, S. 66 ff.

  • Neues Gesetz erleichtert Apotheken-Sanierung, apotheke adhoc, online erschienen am 6. Oktober 2020

  • Anspruch auf Umwandlung von genehmigten Arztanstellungen in Zulassungen nach „Auflösung“ eines MVZ, Anm. zu BSG, Urteil v. 11.10.2017 – B 6 KA 27/16 R, NZI 2018, 616 ff. (mit K. Machatschek)

  • Vallender/Undritz (Hrsg.), Praxis des Insolvenzrechts, ZAP Verlag, 1. Auflage 2012: Autor der Kapitel 8. „Insolvenzplan“ und 9. „Eigenverwaltung“

  • Insolvenzrechtliche Risiken bei Asset-Backed Securities, vdp-Schriftenreihe, Band 36, Berlin 2008, zugleich Diss. Technische Universität Dresden

  • Bankruptcy Remoteness – Die „Insolvenzferne“ des SPV bei ABS – Transaktionen in den USA, RIW 3/2008, 104 ff.