Dr Mona Helmi

  • Lawyer
  • Senior Associate
  • Specialist lawyer for labor law
  • Specialist lawyer for labour law
  • Attorney

Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 36
14469 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 29800-0
Fax: +49 331 29800-99
E-Mail: potsdam@bbl-law.com


  • English
  • French
  • German


Dr Mona Helmi has worked as a lawyer in the field of insolvency law for almost 20 years. As a specialist lawyer for labour law, she also has expertise in advising employers and/or works councils in connection with personnel restructuring of companies – both inside and outside of insolvency proceedings. In addition, she has extensive experience in drawing up reconciliation of interests and social plan agreements, as well as in negotiating collective agreements. She also advises and represents employees in all labour law matters. Additionally, Dr Helmi represents insolvency administrators in enforcement of avoidance claims.

CV (in short)

  • 2002 – Present BBL Brockdorff and predecessor companies
  • 2006 – Present Specialist lawyer for employment law
  • 2012 Promotion to Doctor of Laws
  • 2000 – 2002 Legal clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeal
  • 1999 – 2000 Lueer & Goerg lawyers, Berlin
  • Law studies at Free University of Berlin

Areas of expertise

  • Advice on hiring and downsizing
  • Examination and drafting of employment contracts and termination/ settlement agreements
  • Preparation of works council hearings
  • Preparation and creation of collective redundancy notices
  • Reconciliation of interests and social plan negotiations
  • Negotiation of collective agreements
  • Advice and representation in labour court proceedings
  • Enforcement and defense of rescission claims (out of and in court)


  • Judge at Lawyers Court in the Bar Association state district of Brandenburg

Lectures and publications on various topics of German insolvency law, most recently:

  • Die Tötungshemmschwelle als Indiz zur Begründung bedingten Vorsatzes, Dissertation, in: Schriftenreihe „Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis“, Band 228, Verlag Dr. Kovac 2012