The business activities of the now insolvent company, Kocks Ardelt Kranbau GmbH, were taken over in August 2023 by a new entity, Ardelt Kranbau GmbH. With a going-concern solution devised by BBL partner, Christian Graf Brockdorff together with his team, operations were duly retained at the Eberswalde site, and the current orders of the predecessor company successfully executed. The second step was to examine the viability of continuing Kocks Ardelt Kranbau GmbH’s new construction projects, which had been discontinued in the wake of the insolvency.
Kocks Ardelt Kranbau GmbH manufactures precision and high-performance cranes to carry heavy and ultra-heavy loads for relevant applications particularly in the area of cargo ports and ship building. They include large-sized portal cranes and crane systems for container handling, as well as heavy-duty slewing cranes to manage unit cargo and bulk materials. These cranes have a load capacity ranging up to 1,500 tonnes. The company’s customers include port operators, shipyards and heavy industry companies throughout the world.
The sharp rise in the price of raw materials accompanied by supply shortages and the resulting delays in project completions all contributed significantly to the company’s financial difficulties. The war in Ukraine and the ensuing non-delivery of steel from the steelworks in Mariupol also played a part in the economic woes of the business.