Dr Georg Huellen

  • Lawyer
  • Counsel
  • Specialist lawyer for insolvency and restructuring law
  • Specialist lawyer for labour law

Eschersheimer Landstrasse 50–54
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 963761-130
Fax: +49 69 963761-145
E-Mail: frankfurt@bbl-law.com


  • English
  • German


Dr Georg Huellen was admitted to the bar more than 20 years ago and since then has focused on the areas of insolvency, reorganisation and restructuring law, corporate law and labour law. He advises and represents, in particular, companies and their representative bodies in pre-court restructuring, as well as in-court insolvency and self-administration proceedings, while taking into account general labour law conditions. In addition, he is very familiar – also forensically – with the enforcement and defence of insolvency-specific claims.

CV (in short)

  • 2021 - Present Specialist lawyer for employment law
  • 2019 - Present BBL Brockdorff
  • 2014 - Present Specialist lawyer for insolvency and restructuring law
  • 1999 - 2019 Lawyer in medium-sized, supra-local level law firm in Frankfurt-am-Main specialising in commercial law
  • 1997 - 1999 Doctorate (Dr. iur.) at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg while working part-time for a lawyer in Wuerzburg and Ansbach
  • 1997 Admission to the Bar
  • 1994 - 1996 Legal clerkship at the district courts of Bamberg and Wuerzburg. Internship in Toronto/Canada with lawyers Racioppo Zuber Coetzee Dionne
  • 1989 - 1994 Law studies at the Julius-Maximilians-University Wuerzburg. In parallel, pre-diploma in business administration

Areas of expertise


  • German Private Insolvency Law Day
  • German Lawyers Association
  • German Lawyers Association working group on insolvency waw and restructuring

Lectures and publications on various topics of German insolvency law, most recently:

  • „Rechtsschutzprobleme beim Bürgerbegehren“, Dissertation

  • Schneider/Linkert/von Buchwaldt (Hrsg.), Handbuch zum neuen Sanierungsrecht, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg, 2021; Autor der Kapitel B.IX.: „Gegenseitige Verträge, insbesondere in der Außenfinanzierung, und deren Gestaltung unter dem StaRUG“ und B.X.: „Konzernrestrukturierung und Innenfinanzierung unter dem StaRUG“ (mit Schneider)