Altenwall 23
28195 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 4305939-0
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Georg Schloenbach has worked in the field of insolvency administration, as well as reorganisation and restructuring, for around 10 years. As a lawyer, he specialises in the continuation of businesses of all sizes in crisis situations – in a wide variety of industries – in standard and self-administration procedures. In this context, he arranges the reorganisation and restructuring of companies, in particular, through transferred restructuring or the development of insolvency plans. In addition, Georg Schloenbach advises corporate bodies in self-administration proceedings under ESUG. He was been appointed as an insolvency administrator in North German courts in 2021.
CV (in short)
Areas of expertise
Lectures and publications on various topics of German insolvency law, most recently:
Schloenbach, Georg; Sponagel, Moritz: Chance zur Sanierung? Haftungsfragen und die außergerichtliche Sanierung durch das Gesetz über den Stabilisierungs- und Restrukturierungsrahmen für Unternehmen (StaRUG), KU-Gesundheitsmanagement, 2021/02, S. 54
Schloenbach, Georg: Die Begründung von Masseverbindlichkeiten im vorläufigen Eigenverwaltungsverfahren gemäß §270 a InsO (Master Thesis), Blog JurGrad GmbH, 2018