AHD Ambulanter Hauspflegedienst GmbH: restructuring under self-administration successfully completed

In August 2023, insolvency proceedings under self-administration were commenced regarding the assets of AHD Ambulanter Hauspflege Dienst GmbH, a company providing care services. The repercussions of coronavirus, inflation and the energy crisis, combined with the Tariftreuegesetz (German law on compliance with standard terms of collective labour agreements), which meant an increase of personnel costs by up to 25 per cent in some cases, had led to the business’s financial difficulties and prompted management to take this step.

After the creditors and the local court with the relevant jurisdiction had accepted the insolvency plan drawn up by BBL, the insolvency proceedings regarding the assets of AHD Ambulanter Hauspflegedienst GmbH were discontinued in April 2024 after approximately one year of unrestricted company operations under self-administration.

The care services provider can continue to operate without restrictions because the company successfully regained solid financial footing following intense negotiations with the health insurance providers and the liquidation of costly contracts. All jobs have been retained.

The AHD team was supported by the consulting firm Uppenbrink & Collegen from Hagen. Justus von Buchwaldt accompanied and supervised the proceedings as provisional custodian. He was supported by fellow team member and lawyer Nikolas Otto.